Board of Directors
Meet Our Directors | Term of Office until 12/17/2023
Directorship Guidance
Our Directors, including President, are elected by the Board of Directors and have term of up to two years, with reelection allowed. Article 20 of our By-Law (Estatuto Social) from October 4th, 2012, states that “it is incumbent upon the Directors to ensure the permanent management of the business and to implement the resolutions of the Board of Directors.”
See below the other responsibilities of our Directorship:
- approve the basic structure of the Company’s organization and define the roles of its various units;
- issue the rules and regulations for the proper functioning of services, respecting the provisions in the By-Law (Estatuto Social);
- maintain overall control of the execution of its deliberations, and the evaluation of the Company’s activity results;
- prepare and submit to the Board of Directors’ approval, the annual and multi-annual budgets, expansion and modernization projects and investment plans;
- approve the plan of positions and salaries and the Company’s staff;
- approve hiring-related standards;
- submit to the prior written approval of the Board of Directors’ the operations related to investments and financing, in the country or abroad;
- submit to the Board of Directors’ all the acts involving responsibility for the Company, observing the limit provided for in specific delegation, in this regard, to be derived from act of that joint committee;
- prepare and propose to the Board of Directors’ the acts under its incumbency and those to be submitted to the Shareholders´ Meeting;
- prepare the Administration Report, Financial Statements and other documents to be submitted to the Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting;
- decide on the opening, transfer or closing of offices, branches, facilities or other establishments of the Company;
- authorize the appointment of procurators, defining their powers;
- approve the instructions to be given to the Company’s representatives in the Shareholders´ Meeting of the companies that is a shareholder.
Incumbent upon the President:
- to direct the Company, coordinating the activities of the Directors;
- propose to the Board of Directors’ the areas and the designation of each Director;
- ensure the implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ and Directors;
- convene and preside the meetings of the Directors, setting forth the agenda and directing their work;
- except as provided in Article 19 of the By-Law (Estatuto Social), represent the Company, actively and passively towards entities and government agencies;
- propose to Director’s approval the basic structure of the Company and the responsibilities of its various units;
- supervise, with the collaboration of other Directors, the activities of all Company’s units;
- appoint, for Director’s approval, the Company’s representatives in subsidiaries and societies and associations of which the Company has an interest.
Click here to access MRS Logística’s By-Law (Estatuto Social).
Meet Our Directors
Electrical Engineer graduated at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) with specialization in Strategic Business Management at Universidade Federal de MInas Gerais (UFMG). He has presided, between July, 2009 and September, 2013, GE Transportation for Latin America, also leading international operations in the Oil & Gas sector in Angola. Prior to that, he had served as CEO of Siemens Energy Distribution.
Graduated in Civil Engineering at Universidade Católica de Petópolis and specialized in Human Resource Management at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), where he finished his Master in Business Administration. In 2007 he took over the Human Resources Department in MRS Logística S/A. In 2022 he took over the Construction and Project Department in MRS Logística S/A.
Degree in Mechanical Engineering and MBA in Business Logistics at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro. MBA in Business Administration at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF – Rio de Janeiro, and is persuing Master’s Degree in Buiness Economics at Universidade Cândido Mendes, also in Rio de Janeiro. Between 2006 and 2010 he has served as Operations Vice-President of the Company TAP Maintenance and Engineering Br and in 2010 he assumed the Engineering and Maintenance Directorship in MRS Logística S/A.